Career development (Student)
Are you deciding what job or company you want to apply to? Have you decided on the industry? Do you have a company in mind and want to meet up with their representatives? Join us at the various career events to meet company representatives and build a network for your future career.
The essentials of job searching and career advancement are:
- A keen understanding about the underpinnings of the industries
- A healthy source of information about the available jobs
- An expansive and comprehensive network of professional contacts
Our career events provide you with an opportunity for a long-lasting and fulfilling career. The events often involve key industry leaders and their representatives, providing a great way for you to increase your industry contacts as well as network with potential employers.
SUTD GradConnect & E-Resume (GRACE)
SUTD GradConnect & E-Resume (GRACE), is a targeted e-recruitment campaign where you can connect with registered employers who are offering full-time positions, via GEMS. This is an accessible means for you to gain and benefit from first-hand information regarding job offers.
Find out more about GRACE 2024.
Recruitment Talks
Recruitment talks generally occur between September and March, and are aimed at providing you with more information regarding the company and industry, as well as the availability of internship and job opportunities.
Speakers from the companies are highly experienced individuals within their industry, and the opportunity to learn more about a company and its workings should never be missed.
Industry Night
The Industry Night is our main networking event each year. Typically held in September, Industry Night provides networking opportunities to meet various companies as most of our industry partners will partake in the event. Take this chance to interact and meet representatives from different industries, thereby bolstering your contacts list. Industry Night is also held in tandem with the Learning Celebration Carnival, which provides students a platform to showcase the projects they worked on during their internships.
Industry Night 2024
Find out more about Industry Night 2024.
Career and Internship Fair
The annual Career and Internship Fair takes place on the first Wednesday when term commences in January, and is geared towards exposing students to career and internship opportunities.
Companies will be setting up booths and looking out for potential hires. Students who are keen to embark on a career following their graduation would greatly benefit from checking out the jobs available.
Students who are yet to graduate may look into the various internship opportunities, and reap the advantage of establishing a greater network with our industry partners. The representatives from different companies will be sharing valuable knowledge about the companies and the industry to reinforce your understanding.
The Career and Internship Fair often incorporates a panel discussion, which explores the hiring trends of the market and what to look out for as fresh graduates.
Career and Internship Fair 2024
Find out more about Career and Internship Fair 2024.
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Frequently asked questions
What is the internship timeline/ period?
The undergraduate internship spans a minimum of 16 weeks across 3 periods each year. Spring internship from January to August (6 – 8 months), Summer internship from May to August and Fall internship from September to December.
It is a graduation requirement for students to successfully complete at least one internship. An internship briefing will be conducted approximately 1 month before internship commences for students who have been accepted into internships.
Would our internship stipend be subjected to CPF deductions/ would the company have to contribute to our CPF?
No, all matriculated or registered students with SUTD on official internships endorsed by SUTD are exempted from the provisions of the CPF act.
Will I be insured during the internship?
If this is my second internship, is it mandatory for it to be official?
Who can I speak to if I have feedback regarding the internship?
Members of the Career Development Centre will conduct at least one visit to your company in the course of your internship. During which, they will arrange for an opportunity to speak with you personally, as well as your supervisor and the relevant HR personnel. The visit will function as a general feedback session regarding the internship. Should you have pressing issues that require voicing out urgently, please drop us an e-mail at
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