Master of Science in Technology and Design (AI Empowered Built Environment)

Harness the power of AI and digitalisation to transform the built environment

Are you ready to spearhead a revolution in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry? The Master of Science in Technology and Design (AI Empowered Built Environment) programme is your gateway to mastering the transformative potential of digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) to drive sustainability initiatives in the AEC industry.
The AEC industry is undergoing fundamental changes as it transitions into the digital era. Digitalisation and AI present unprecedented opportunities to drive sustainability initiatives. AI-empowered built environments hold great promise for addressing the complex challenges posed by urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change in today's world.

The integration of AI technologies into various aspects of urban planning, construction, and the management of buildings and infrastructure aims to create smarter buildings and cities. They offer a wide range of benefits, including improved efficiency, optimised resource utilisation, sustainability, safety and better user experience.

Programme Structure

Elevate Your Expertise, Stay Ahead of the Curve

The MTD (AI Empowered Built Environment) programme is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of AI and digitalisation. This programme leverages SUTD's pedagogy with our Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD) Pillar’s expertise, to educate and train individuals on innovations in data-driven and evidence-based design, offering both a strong technical foundation and an emphasis on responsible design and development.
By focusing on contemporary methods, you will learn about the latest tools and techniques available for sustainable urban development. Given the rapid advances in technology and data analytics, this is crucial for staying relevant and effective in this industry. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on learning, collaborative projects and interactions with industry experts, you will gain competitive edge and be at the forefront of shaping tomorrow's AEC industry.

Application for the September 2024 intake ​is closed

Application requirements

Application information

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