Deepening national AI capabilities - What is AI Singapore and what does it do 27 Mar 2018 The programme has three pillars: AI research, AI technology and AI innovations. The first is about fundamental research, the second seeks... Reimagining and rethinking engineering education 27 Mar 2018 New MIT report takes a worldwide look at the future of how engineers are trained. Are you the Disruptor or the Disrupted - Indonesia OpenGov Leadership Forum 2018 report 26 Mar 2018 The beauty of exciting, emerging technologies does not lie in the cool things that can be done with them. Rather it lies in the way these... Facebook数据泄露丑闻 专家:用户需有自我保护意识 25 Mar 2018 Facebook数据泄露丑闻持续发酵。《科技一点通》就带你了解整个来龙去脉。 事件的源头是Facebook的一个心理测试游戏。一名分析员几年前设计了一个心理测试游戏后放到了Facebook上,再花钱请27万人上Facebook进行心理测试。... The Big Read: In the war against fake news, public needs to get in the trenches 24 Mar 2018 SINGAPORE — It was over dinner on an evening in December 2016 when a sales manager at a printing company decided that he must make a stand... 新加坡科技设计大学 教务长张道昌 出任新校长 23 Mar 2018 本地第4所公立大学新加坡科技设计大学现任教务长张道昌,下个月起正式出任新科大校长。 新科大发表声明说:张道昌自新科大创校以来,便担任教务长。他在今年1月起受委兼任代校长一职。... SUTD provost Chong Tow Chong to be president from Apr 1 23 Mar 2018 THE Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) has appointedits acting president and founding provost Chong Tow Chong as its new... SUTD appoints provost Chong Tow Chong as its new president 23 Mar 2018 The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) has appointed its acting president and founding provost Chong Tow Chong as its new... 新科大毕业生 每月薪金中位数为本地公立大学之冠 22 Mar 2018 数据显示,新加坡科技设计大学毕业生的每月薪金中位数持续高居本地公立大学之冠。 新科大今年2月到3月间对刚毕业的第三批学生进行就业调查,其中85%的毕业生作出了回复。... prev 1 2 ... 149 150 151 152 153 ... 156 157 next