50“网红”宣传财政预算案 年轻网民感觉“受侮辱” 21 Jan 2018 财政部借助50多名“网红”的影响力,为财政预算案做付费宣传,却引发网民质疑和嘲讽。 Kaspersky deploys industrial cyber security solutions 19 Jan 2018 New Delhi [India], Jan 19 : Kaspersky Lab on Friday announced the deployment of Kaspersky's Industrial CyberSecurity (KICS) solutions at... You can't walk alone to survive the digital era 18 Jan 2018 Asian companies need to work with partners and customers to keep pace with innovation New Adhesive As Sticky As Gecko’s Feet 16 Jan 2018 Move Over, Spidey! Scientists from Singapore have developed a dry adhesive that mimics the gecko's gravity-defying tricks. More women needed in science, technology sectors: Josephine Teo [Channel NewsAsia] 15 Jan 2018 While female employment rate in Singapore ranks high globally, Mrs Teo said that pockets of concerns remain. Lebih banyak wanita diperlukan dalam sektor sains, teknologi 15 Jan 2018 SINGAPURA: Dalam usaha Singapura menjadi sebuah Negara Bijak, kadar penyertaan tenaga kerja wanita perlu ditingkatkan dalam membina... SUTD Academy launched offering 20 new courses in cybersecurity, data analytics, urban solutions and tech-enabled services 11 Jan 2018 The Academy aims to develop up to 60 courses in the next five years. The courses will be taught by SUTD faculty, staff and adjunct... Top dogs for Chinese New Year celebrations 11 Jan 2018 A 37-member team of craftsmen from the Zigong Zhongyi Culture Industry flew in from Sichuan late last month to begin work on giant lanterns... SUTD to receive up to $75 million from MOE, and opens an adult education academy [The Straits Times] 11 Jan 2018 In the pipeline is a micro-master's programme, a certification which is the first of its kind here. prev 1 2 ... 154 155 156 157 next