SUTD Leadership

Prof Tai Lee Siang

Professor TAI Lee Siang

Deputy President, and
Chief Innovation and Enterprise Officer

Prof Lim Seh Chun

Professor LIM Seh Chun

Acting Provost

Ms Giselia Giam

Ms GIAM Giselia

Senior Vice President (Administration),
Chief Financial Officer

The Team


Senior Academic Leadership

Senior Administrative Leadership

Prof Ricky Ang

Professor ANG Ricky

Associate Provost, International Relations, and
Ng Teng Fong Chair Professor


Mrs June Cho

Mrs CHO June

Chief Human Resources Officer

Prof Chua Chee Kai

Professor CHUA Chee Kai

Associate Provost, Research, and
Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor


Mr Jonathan Kua

Mr KUA Jonathan

Chief of Staff, Student Affairs

Prof Ashraf A. Kassim

Professor KASSIM Ashraf A.

Associate Provost, Education


Ms Neo Chin

Ms NEO Chin

Chief Investment Officer

Prof Cheong Koon Hean

Professor CHEONG Koon Hean

Chairman, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities


Mr Poon King Wang

Mr POON King Wang

Chief Strategy Officer, and
Director, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities

Prof Chong Tow Chong

Professor CHONG Tow Chong

University Professor, and
Director, Temasek Laboratories


Ms Tammy Tan

Ms TAN Tammy

Chief Communications Officer

Innovation and Entreprise

Assoc Prof Low Hong Yee

Professor LOW Hong Yee

Head of Pillar, Engineering Product Development, and
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Chair Professor in Healthcare Engineering


Mr Dennis Ling

Mr LING Dennis

Senior Director, Innovation and Enterprise

Prof Rakesh Nagi

Professor NAGI Rakesh

Head of Pillar, Engineering Systems and Design, and
Director, Aviation Studies Institute


Prof Erwin Viray

Professor VIRAY Erwin

Chief Sustainability Officer

Assoc Prof Dario Poletti

Associate Professor POLETTI Dario

Head of Cluster, Science, Mathematics and Technology



Professor QUEK Tony

Head of Pillar, Information Systems Technology and Design,
Director, Future Communications Research and Development Programme, and
Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor



Prof Tai Lee Siang

Professor TAI Lee Siang

Head of Pillar, Architecture and Sustainable Design,
Director, DesignZ,
Programme Director, Design and Artificial Intelligence, and
Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor



Assoc Prof Yow Wei Quin

Professor YOW Wei Quin

Head of Cluster, Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences